Web3dApp Starter Kit

The streamlined workflow for Ethereum dApp development

Clone the repository

Go to the folder where you want to store your project, and clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:djrosenbaum/web3-starter-kit.git

Start a local ethereum network

Go to the contract directory

cd web3-starter-kit/contract

Select a compatible version of node

nvm use

Install ganache-cli and remix-ide

npm install

Start the network

npm run dev

Develop the Contract

Open Remix IDE in the browser


Develop with Remix IDE or your favorite text editor

Connect to Localhost

Connect to the local Ethereum Network from the Deploy and Run tab Environment


Web3 Provider

Deploy your contract


Develop the Client

Go to the client directory

cd web3-starter-kit/client

Select a compatible version of node

nvm use

Install bundler dependencies

npm install

Bundle your files and start a local server on port 8081

CLIENT=my-first-dapp npm run dev